Work Injuries

We follow the Early Intervention Physiotherapy Framework (EIPF) designed & approved for workplace injuries. If an injury at work has impeded your performance our work injury rehabilitation program provides an aggressive yet cautious approach to getting you back to work quickly

Our Services

Opening Hours

Tuesday3.30pm – 7pm
Saturday9am – 2pm

Seek medical treatment

The most important thing to do if you have a work-related injury or illness is seek appropriate medical treatment from a provider of your choice.

Tell your employer

You (or someone on your behalf) must notify your employer in writing of any work-related injury or illness as soon as possible. You need to ensure that your injury is reported within 30 days otherwise you may not be entitled to compensation.

You or your employer must record the details of your injury in the Register of Injuries at your workplace.

Benefits and support

If your claim is accepted, you may be entitled to:

  • reasonable costs for medical and like services
  • weekly payments if you lose income or require time off work
  • a lump sum payment if you have a permanent impairment
  • sue for damages at common law

If you have an incapacity for work your employer must:

  • appoint a return to work co-ordinator
  • make information about retum to work available and plan the retum to work
  • provide suitable or pre-injury employment
  • consult with you, your treating health practitioner and occupational rehabilitation provider.

You have a right to be represented, assisted and supported in the return to work process.

Home Visits

Tuesday  10 am to 2 pm,
Wednesday 10am  to 7pm.